Activities that you can do at home to promote learning across the 7 areas of development for children
Today’s Blog has been written by Alina. Sing songs such as 5 little monkeys, 5 little speckled frogs, 5 little men in a flying saucer etc. Songs will help children develop speech and language and if you choose songs with numbers in them this will also help children become aware of numbers and later on learn to count. Here are some links with a few songs: Maths is more than just numbers, is time, size, volume, position etc. To help with this, talk about what day it is every day, look at the calendar, ask them, what do they think the weather is doing. You can draw numbers on the pavement and ask your child to sit on a number such as 5, 2 6 etc, this will help children learn to recognise numbers. Play with blocks and Lego and ask the children to stack them ve...