
Showing posts from March, 2020

Activities to do at home

Hello from all the team at Windmill!  We hope you are all keeping safe and well. We are missing all of the children, thank you for all the photos you have sent us so far.  Please keep sending in photos via email or Facebook. Here are some ideas of things you could try at home Playdough 1 cup flour 1 cup salt 1 tablespoon cream of tartar 1 tablespoon oil Put the above in a bowl In the cup put food colouring ( if using) and fill with boiling water. Pour this over the dry ingredients in the bowl and mix. Keep mixing - it will come together. If you do not have all of the above the children make it themselves using flour, salt and water. Simply mix until you have a dough. For the children, making it is half the fun. Gloop Another favourite with the children, for those of you that have a box of cornflour hiding at the back of your cupboard. Put the cornflour onto a bowl or on a tray and very slowly add water and mix. It will form a wet looking mixture...

13th March 2020

Welcome to this week’s blog post. This week in Class 1 the children were able to explore powder paints and had the opportunity to make their own paint with it.  We spoke about the texture, how thick it was and how slimy it is. We went to Forest School on Monday, we explored creating mud paint. T he children always show interest in water play outside, we had a water tray inside. T he children have been exploring the instruments and the different sounds they make. In Class 2 we went to music and movement on Monday, we continued playing listening games with the parachute.  The children have also practised catching a large ball and standing on one leg. The children have started to make their postcards, hopefully we will start posting them next week. We have been looking closely at the broad beans that we planted, they are growing taller everyday!  Over the coming weeks we will be planting more seeds. This week we had an exciting delivery!...