13th March 2020

Welcome to this week’s blog post.

This week in Class 1 the children were able to explore powder paints and had the opportunity to make their own paint with it.  We spoke about the texture, how thick it was and how slimy it is.

We went to Forest School on Monday, we explored creating mud paint.

The children always show interest in water play outside, we had a water tray inside.

The children have been exploring the instruments and the different sounds they make.

In Class 2 we went to music and movement on Monday, we continued playing listening games with the parachute.  The children have also practised catching a large ball and standing on one leg.

The children have started to make their postcards, hopefully we will start posting them next week.

We have been looking closely at the broad beans that we planted, they are growing taller everyday!  Over the coming weeks we will be planting more seeds.

This week we had an exciting delivery!  four boxes containing trees and hedges for us to plant, the children have placed them into water and we hope to start planting them next week.

We have been making up helicopter stories and acting them out, painting pots for Mother's day and making muffin pizza's.

Today we went to Forest School, we had a Mummy come in to help.

Thank you for everyone's cooperation today with washing hands on entering the setting, we will continue asking you to do this until further notice.  Please also read our email's regarding COVID 19.

We will be offering a parent/carer drop in session on Monday 23rd March from 3pm - 3.30pm.  Please feel free to drop in and meet with the staff.  

Can I please also remind you that we support Brill School's parking promise, further details and a map indicating where you can park at drop off and collection can be found here https://www.brill.bucks.sch.uk/home/parents/resources/letters


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