21st June 2019

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog post. 
Thank you for all the donations, help and support with strawberry fayre yesterday.  We raised an impressive £600!  We have a few more cakes to sell outside Pre-School today, please pop down and make a donation.
In Class 2 this week we have been making fruit salad, decorating our invitations for the afternoon tea (please check trays), practising for sports day, music and movement, making playdough, playing listening games and exploring clay with water at Forest School.  Today we also moved the caterpillars into the net and will need to wait 14 sleeps for the butterflies!

In Class 1 this week we have created a snake world small world due to an interest in snakes. The children found out what snakes eat and where some snakes live. On Monday we made vegetable sausage rolls with a variety of filling choices to choose from.  The children have some an interest in playing games, they have asked for the shopping list game which supports turn taking and the sound game which supports listening skills. On Thursday morning the children had the opportunity to play in class 2, enabling them to get to know the class 2 staff and find out what resources are in that room. Today in forest school the children could choose to create a picture from leaves, this is called 'Happazone' - the children use a hammer to imprint the leaf on a piece of cotton. This afternoon the children have been outside in the sandpit burying each others feet and exploring ice and food colouring. 

Please join us for our Thomley Hall trip on Wednesday, please remember that Pre-School will be closed.


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