7th June 2019


Hello and welcome to this week’s blog post. We have had a busy start to the last half term of this year!
We have a new area by the front door with a new donation tree.  The free fruit (and random donations from Tesco!) will also be available on the new cabinet, please feel free to help yourself.  We will also display a question on the board and ask you to add a counter to the yes or no jar with your answer.  This will help us to reflect on how we are doing and help us to improve, I hope to add a comments box and paper for you to leave any suggestions relating to the question.  The current question is "Do you know who your child's key person is?"
I would also like to remind you all that the library is still available for you to take preloved books from and to add any that you no longer want.  Please do have a look through with your child and choose a book to take home.

In Class 2 this week our tadpoles have started to turn into tiny frogs!!  We have moved the tank out into the garden and will be moving them into the pond over the coming days.  The caterpillars have arrived and the children have been taking good care of them.  On Monday we went to the school hall for music and movement and in the afternoon we spend some time in the Year R class room and garden.  The children have also made cookies with one of the parents and we have practised for sports day on the school field.

In Class 1 we have practiced our cutting skills using a knife. The children cut up carrots and potato's outside. The children used the cut up vegetables to create prints on paper.  On Tuesday the children created their own playdough, once made they explored this. The children wanted to make walkie talkies, we provided resources and they used their walkie talkies in their police role play. Today in forest school the children created mud paint, they used this to create pictures.  

On Monday Caroline will be spending the morning in Class 1 and Aimee will join Class 2.

Please do not forget the flower picking fundraising event at Howes farm on Monday 10am - midday.  We also still need recipes to add to our cookbook, deadline is Monday 10th June.


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