13th September 2019

Welcome to this weeks blog post.  We have had a very busy first week back!
Class 2 will be starting forest school on Tuesday, please ensure that the children have their legs and arms covered.  They will also need waterproofs and wellies.

We had a lot of unnamed wellies left behind before the summer holidays, those that have remained unclaimed are now in our spare welly tray.  A few children still do not have their own wellies in Pre-School.  Please do provide a pair of named wellies for Pre-School, although we have spares, the children prefer to have their own.

We now know that we have raised an impressive £1000 from Brill fete.  We need a lot of volunteers to help us with this event, please do let us know if you are able to help next year.  We still have a long way to go before we reach the target needed for Class 1's garden.  We also hope to raise money for a staff/meeting room.

This week in Class 1 the children created playdough cup cakes, the have also been exploring the mud kitchen.  The children have created marks using the cars and trains and have role played as firemen and ladies.  We have discovered how pasta changes when we add water to it and we have learnt lots of new songs.

This week in Class 2 the children have been making 'chocolate soup' in the mud kitchen.  We will be continuing this interest and making chocolate soup with melted chocolate on Wednesday and Thursday.  We have made a display of the children's front doors, it has been lovely to look at all the similarities and differences.  The children have started to make suggestions for the Class bear's name, next week we will pick a name from the bag!  This week we have started to introduce poem's, the children have joined in with all the words and actions to 'chop, chop'.  Yesterday we started helicopter stories, the children make up a story and we scribe it for them, it is then acted out on our 'stage'.  

Save the date:

Parent/carer coffee morning - Friday 11th October (Children welcome)

Early Years Foundation Stage information evening - Wednesday 6th November

Christmas Fayre - Saturday 7th December

If you would like to join our parents/carers Facebook page, please send a request via the following link



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