20th September 2019

Welcome to this weeks blog post. 

This week in Class 1 the children made cakes with playdough and mud, they then made some real cakes!  The children explored a variety of sensory materials such as shaving foam, gloop and cloud dough.  We had a big box delivered, the children have been exploring ways to get into the box and used scissors to make holes in it.  This week the children made lots of marks with paint and pencils.

This week in Class 2 the children have been making 'chocolate soup' by melting chocolate.  They then dipped some fruit in it to try, we had lots of conversations around how we could melt the chocolate!  On Tuesday we went to Forest School, we found treasure and thought that the pirates had left it!  We wrote the pirates a letter and made them a treasure map, we left it at Forest School for them to find.  Some of the children showed interest in the Gingerbread man story, we will be making some next week.  The class made up some classroom rules this week, we will be making a display for them to use as a reminder!  Before the summer holidays we asked the children how we could improve Pre-School, one child said a rainbow so we made one!  We also have some more frozen dresses (another request from the children).  We have introduced a new poem this week called 'pointy hat'.  The children have made lots of suggestions for the class bear, we put all the names into a bag and picked one out....the bear is called Benny!

Save the date:

Parent/carer coffee morning - Friday 11th October (Children welcome)

Early Years Foundation Stage information evening - Wednesday 6th November

Christmas Fayre - Saturday 7th December

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