27th September 2019

Welcome to this weeks blog post. 

This week in Class 1 the children have been taking their own pictures with a real camera.  They have made marks with paint using a squirty bottle and created a fire engine from the blocks.  The children have made their own playdough and explored shaving foam with ice.

This week in Class 2 we made dinosaurs out of junk modelling.  We went to a very wet forest school and Tuesday and we were so excited to find a letter and treasure from the pirates, we left them one in return!  The children also helped to make the bug hotel, thank you for all the items you brought in for this.  We made gingerbread men and some of the children were able to decorate them.  The children have shown a keen interest in the bear hunt story and wrote to the bear, today the bear sent them a parcel and asked the children to make a cave so they did!  Next week we will be making soup.  We are looking for lots of real items for our role play area, if you have any hats, scarves, glassed, purses, bags, shoes, clothing, phones, trinkets etc please do let us know.

Save the date:

Parent/carer coffee morning - Friday 11th October (Children welcome)

Early Years Foundation Stage information evening - Wednesday 6th November

Christmas Fayre - Saturday 7th December

If you would like to join our parents/carers Facebook page, please send a request via the following link


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