18th October 2019

Welcome to this week’s blog post.

This week in Class 1 the children have continued their interest in the ‘Bear hunt’ story, the children have started to retell the story using the pictures as a prompt.  We provided the children with materials to work together to create a den and in the garden the children made a river using the water from a puddle, they then had lots of fun jumping in it!  In the role play area, the children discovered that when they squeezed an orange juice came out and they pretended to drink this.  We extended this interest with juicers and oranges for the children to make their own orange juice to drink. 

This week in Class 2 the children have shown an interest in the supertato stories, we noticed that the conkers were a similar shape to the evil peas so we painted some green.  When the peas had dried the children added eyes, capes and masks!  We continued making characters from the Supertato stories using tomatoes, corn on the cob and butternut squash.  On Tuesday the pirates had visited Forest School again and left the children clay, they made some wonderful models from the natural resources on offer including a pirate hook, spider, snowman and a swirly monster.  On Wednesday the children role played Doctors so we provided them with items to extend this, we have since made a Doctors surgery!  The children showed an interest in the juice from the satsumas, we provided them with oranges and juicers for them to make their own juice.  The children have learnt all of our poems and they are keen to demonstrate this to us, please encourage them to share these with you at home.   

Save the date:

Early Years Foundation Stage information evening - Wednesday 6th November

Christmas Fayre - Saturday 7th December

Christmas show – Thursday 12th December

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