25th October 2019

Welcome to this week’s blog post.

This week in Class 1 the children have shown an interest in the musical instruments and explored how different instruments sound.  They then went on to create a drum using empty tubes and tubs.  To support the children's current interest in the bear hunt story, we created a small world tray of the story.  The children used this to recreate the story and added their own props to extend their play.  in the garden the children showed an interest in creating a car wash, we provided them with warm soapy water and they washed the cars.

This week in Class 2 the children continued with their interest in Doctors and made 'medicines' with water, soap, shaving foam and custard powder.  We moved this activity into the garden on Wednesday and the children contonued to experiment outside.  This week we have started phase 1 of the letters and sounds programme and took the children on a listening walk.  For more information please find the letters and sounds programme here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/letters-and-sounds-principles-and-practice-of-high-quality-phonics-phase-one-teaching-programme
The wooden blocks have been popular this week and have been made into cars, boats, buses and a pirate ship!  At Forest School the children used paint pens to draw on stones, they were very creative and spent a long time thinking about what they were making.  This week we have introduced some pumpkins into the classroom for the children to explore, today they have painted them.  Following on from last weeks interest in a fruit salad game, the children made their own fruit salad this week.  

We hope you all have a lovely half term, if you are going away please send us a postcard, the children enjoy sharing these with us!  We reopen on Monday 4th November.

Please help us raise money for Class 1's garden by ordering your Christmas tree with us.
Christmas tree order form:

The most recent what to expect when, a parents guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage:

Save the date:

Early Years Foundation Stage information evening - Wednesday 6th November - please let us know if you can make it.

Christmas Fayre - Saturday 7th December

Christmas show – Thursday 12th December 

Christmas jumper morning - Friday 13th December

If you would like to join our parents/carers Facebook page, please send a request via the following link


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