4th October 2019

Welcome to this weeks blog post. 

This week in Class 1 the children have explored the lavender rice and the concepts if full and empty.  In the mud kitchen the children have created 'hot chocolate, pasta and cakes'.  We found a worm in the garden and worked together to make it a home.  The children have shown an interest in the baby dolls, we have created a bed for the babies and added some more accessories for the children to explore this further.  

This week in Class 2 the children have been chopping vegetables to make vegetable soup, they then tried some for snack.  On Tuesday the pirates had left us another letter and some items for the children to make bird feeders.  On Wednesday we went on an Autumn walk on the school field and the children found lots of leaves, conkers and pine cones.  Please find a bag in your child's tray for you to take on an Autumn walk with them, we look forward to seeing what you find!  We have continued learning poems and this week has been 'five little pumpkins'.  The children have spent lots of time in the bear cave, exploring and acting out the bear hunt story.

Now it is colder can you please send your child in with a warm coat, hat and gloves.  Please make sure these are named.

Question for parents
Please have a look by the front door, we have changed our question for parents and would appreciate you taking the time to feedback to us.

Save the date:

Parent/carer coffee morning - Friday 11th October at the sports and social club in Brill.  Please drop in from 9.30am (Children welcome).  We will provide cake and biscuits, please bring money for tea and coffee.

The Management Committee will be meeting at The Pointer of Friday 18th October from 7.30pm - everyone welcome

Early Years Foundation Stage information evening - Wednesday 6th November

Christmas Fayre - Saturday 7th December

If you would like to join our parents/carers Facebook page, please send a request via the following link


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