24th January 2020

Welcome to this week’s blog post.

This week in Class 1 the children have shown an interest in the emergency services, they set up their own role play and discussed seeing the fire engines coming out of the fire station.

We have introduced the children to helicopter stories this week, we have started by giving the children a few examples and encouraging them to act out the parts on the stage.  Next week we will be asking the children to make up their own stories.  

In the role play kitchen the children have been talking about making cakes so we provided them with ingredients and scales for them to explore the concept of making cakes.  

Next week we will be going to Forest School on Monday.

This week in Class 2 we went to the school hall for music and movement on Monday, the children participated in listening and action games.

On Tuesday we were delighted to have one of the children's Grandparent on us for the afternoon and read stories to the children.  We would really like to have more family members come into the setting to spend time with the children, please do let us know if you can.

On Wednesday, Rob from Rugby tots came in to provide a taster session to the children.  They had so much fun and I am sure they all told you about it!

This week the children have continued making up their own stories and acting them out on stage, we also learnt a new poem 'A little house'.

We have been introducing the children to Chinese New Year this week and they have watched a short film about a boy celebrating the festival.  We have asked the children what they would like to do next week, there was a lot of interest in the dragons and we hope to try some Chinese food!

We have also explored various options for our role play corner and the children would like it to be a castle!  We will also make a builders yard and police station in the garden.  If you have any items that could help us enhance these areas, we would welcome any donations.

The children have been voting on the three topics they would like to cover as part of the Eco School award, they have decided Marine, waste and transport.

We have been continuing letters and sounds this week, the children have been guessing the sounds in Mrs Browning's box.  You can find more information here file:///C:/Users/Rebecca/Desktop/letters%20and%20sounds.pdf

On Thursday we made snowflake biscuits following a request from one of the children.

Today we will be going to Forest School, we hope to put up a rope ladder and take photos of the environment.  We will also make up some helicopter stories and act them out in the forest!

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