Personal, social and emotional development

This week we are looking at the area of Personal, Social and emotional development.  This supports children’s development by helping them interact effectively with others and develop positive attitudes towards others and about themselves.  Here are some helpful activities you can do at home to support this area of development:
  • ·         Personal development (Being me) – how we come to understand who we are and what we can do, how we look after ourselves.
·         Social development (Being social) – how we come to understand ourselves in relation to others, how we make friends, understand the rules of society and behave towards others.

·         Emotional development (Having feelings) – how we come to understand our own and others’ feelings and develop our ability to ‘stand in someone else’s shoes’ and see things from their point of view, referred to as empathy.

Creating Emotions sensory bottles may support your child begin and develop how they are feeling and that some words and actions can hurt others.
Asking children to carry out a small job around the house will support:
·         sense of belonging
·         sense of achievement
·         Self-confidence
·         Self-esteem

Ready, Steady, Go games create situations where children have to begin to accept waiting their turn and share resources.

More activities
·         Play
·         Reading books related to this area
·         Role modelling through play
·         Puppets
·         Kindness jar/tree
·         Encourage to look after plants
·         Encourage independence and promote trial and error.


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